Cost: $10. Simply sharing what worked for me! Buy David Ummmo’s album (vol 1) on iTunes. Itunes preferenes, import prefs, export as WAV. Highlight the downloaded album and export as WAV. Drag the WAV files to desktop. Run the “Encode selected audio files” script from Automator and export as high-quality. They’re now m4a files which the program can read. open applications folder and show enclosed contents of the application by right clicking. In Contents->Resources, you’ll find ambiente1-3 files and songs 1-4. Simply rename the m4a files on your desktop the exact same as these files. There are 4 songs and 3 ambients on your desktop. Listen to them to know which they are. Then take the v1.3 update music and copy it to a folder for backup, and replace it with your purchased music. Voila! You can now enjoy the songs that were originally with your program. So much better! I am not responsible for any computer damage or data loss as a result of attempting this strategy, or any other issues that occur.
DavidWalton about OmmWriter