I never realized how much I was held back by traditional word processors with their underlining and numerous font choices, italics, bold, underline, etc. I know that in many of those other programs I can turn these things off, remove bars all together, but with Omm writer theres something more that I cant quite put my finger on. Maybe its the music, or the melodic sounds they provide while typing, or maybe its the cleanness of the page? Notice how I say "cleannes" as opposed to "emptiness". With the background images you arent faced with a screaming, empty page. Im not sure what it is about this program that allows me to write thousands of words in a sitting, but whatever it is, theyve hit the nail on the head. This is writing in its purest form, and I think that it rivals pen and paper. Writing, specifically writing creatively, is all about finding the zone and staying there. When you plug in earphones and the familiar lilting music plays, youre already halfway there. Some things Id consider in future iterations or updates: - More backgrounds, but nothing busy. The snow scene is perfect as is the blue sea, more along those lines. - More music choices that reflect mood and atmosphere, maybe stuff akin to those sleep-aid sounds might be of use, crashing surf, jungle forest, etc. - Make it easier to locate the cursor. Sometimes I lose it and that interrupts flow. Possibly a button click that make the cursor emit light or colour or waves? - Create an iPhone version. - When you mission control in Lion, there is no preview window, just the icon. A bit annoying and gives you less room to click on to get back into Omm Beyond that, this product is the best 5 bucks I spent towards apps. It doesnt do all that a word processor does, not even close, but this isnt a word processor. Its a creative aid that helps you get in the writing zone and gets you to stay there. Thank you for this program!